Saturday, February 16, 2008

Stalled Again!

Yesterday 173.2
Today 173.2
Loss of 0.0
Total Lost 22.6

Ok, I am stalled big time!!! Of course, yesterday during the day, I felt like I was breaking the stall, lots of potty breaks, thirsty, etc. But then friends came over for dinner last night, and I had 2 bowls of hot and sour soup...I could almost feel myself retaining water! BTW, don't worry, I did feed our friends more than just soup!!! LOL

So this morning, when I stepped on the scale, and nothing was gone, I decided to get out the OLD scale. Let me tell you that I don't really know why we even still have it...but we do! I mean we've had the new scale for over a year! The OLD scale was my scale for YEARS! You know, the one that you could step on 500 times and get 500 different readings, and also each time you got on, you made sure that you adjusted it, so that it was just a hair UNDER 0? In the olden days, LOL, I would weigh 3 times and take the lowest weight. Well, when I weighed on it, I weighed at a lower weight ( Not that it matters), but most importantly I am at a serious set point. It was my set point for years! So, I am really not bothered!

What I AM bothered about, is that I won't be able to do another round until June!!!! The only way that I MIGHT be able to squeeze one in is if I try an "Experiment" short p2 (21 days ) from around March 10 till the 1st week in April. And by experiment I mean that I might try adding skim milk and some fat free yogurt, to pick up carbs for the start of my training. I remember something about dairy in dr. S's book, but I need to go back and look.

I DID try on all my training shorts, and they were HUGE!!! Gave a bunch to my hubby! So I get to go shopping for new training clothes. If I get brave, I'll post my Danskin pic from LAST year, and I'll take a pic in the same clothes now. It's amazing!

Oh I'm so happy to have found this protocol!!!!!!! Everyone have a great weekend!

Here are my replies to yesterday's commenters:

Biz, no worries girlfriend! Your plate runneth over right now!

Crystal, tomorrow I'll have some time to email you about half marathons and different training plans. It really is fun to walk one!

Jenn, So you met me huh? That's pretty funny! Especially since smacmo is a moniker that I created just for this! We will have to meet sometime! As for the eggs and chili, isn't it just YUMMMM????


Ed & Jennifer said...

Ahhhh...a stall! I know you know but your body is just playing catch up because you are having an excellent round! Keep your eye on the prize. Don't be bummin' you'll lose tomorrow for sure!

Shell, I would do another shortened round if I were you. Even if you lose "only" 10 lbs that's still 10 less that you'll have to train with.

Yes, please show us some pics-we'd love to see ya!

Oh, and the egg with the chili I don't think we could have it any other way, thanks for sharing!

Have a great weekend!

BizBuzz said...

Shortened rounds are da bomb! They just simply ROCK!

I have to get with you on this thing, we need to work it out.

Crystal Lee said...

Yea girl I am doing a short round this go and I am rockin! My body loves it. Normally I skip injections on Sat and Sun but this round I only skip Sunday.

Also, I am adding more protein (carbs) in my diet and I am killing the scales! SO I too would opt for a short round.

You are doing great proud of you!