Monday, February 25, 2008

Modified my plan! On to P3

LIW ( Saturday) 166.8
Total lost R1 29.0
Yesterday 167.6
Today 168.4
Gain of <.8>
1.6 over LIW

Phew! So I haven't totally blown it at the end. I decided yesterday to make Saturday my last injection day. With the losses that I had the last 10 days, I decided that it wasn't going to make much difference, and I am too excited to start training. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous here in Central Texas. We went on a family bike ride in the morning, and boy could I tell that I have done NOTHING for 6 weeks! I had an apple befroe we left, an dthen when we got home I mixed a protein drink (egg white, and stevia, no fillers) with some strawberries and cinnamon. We took our daughter to her class that she takes, and on the way out, this other family that we are just getting to know invited us to go eat Greek food. Well, my hubby before even thinking, says sure!

We don't know these people well enough for me to have been totally picky at this restaurant, and since we enjoy their company, and would like to get to know them better, I ordered the least offensive thing that I could find! It was roasted chicken with sauteed spinach, onions and mushrooms. It was sooo yummy! And sooo swimmng in olive oil!! Oh and did I mention the hummus on the side? YUM! But I had no bread, no rice, nothing like that. Perfect P3, right? Only I'm not quite to P3!!! The only other good thing is that this was a family owned restaurant, so everything was made from scratch.

This morning Husband and I are going to the gym, and I will start my strength training again. Very "easy does it" this week.

So now the adventure begins!

On to comments from Saturday.

Jenn, glad I could help you fall asleep on a Saturday night!! LOL

Monica, the problem is that I DID share the bouquet with my whole family...but by golly, I WANTED the chocolate covered apples! LOL


Ed & Jennifer said...

Another one bites the dust! What a great P2 you had Miss Shelly!!! P3 here you are!

Your meal sounded so gooood yesterday. You'll see that it takes a "minute" for everything to balance out once you start P3 so try not to get to worried about the slight gain!

It was such a beautiful day yesterday-a perfect day for a bike ride! I bet it feels so good to be active again...I can't wait!

Please keep us posted on your P3 and ENJOY IT!

applebottomblues said...

Yaaay... you're in P3! My LIW is tomorrow and I can't wait to join you! That meal sounded great and that's not a bad gain at all. It'll probably come right off with all the excercising you're about to do.

Sam Sotiropoulos said...

Sounds like you enjoyed the Greek food after all... If you ever feel like trying your hand at making some at home, perhaps you'll find something that interests you at my Greek food blog: Greek Food

Be Well,

Sam Sotiropoulos