Saturday, March 1, 2008

Week One of P3 Complete

LIW 166.8

Today 168.4

1.6 Over

I am so glad that I stopped p2 2 days early! Travelling on the last VLCD would have been murder! Then figuring out my first p3 day on the road would have stressed me out big time! My aunt and my cousin noticed the weight loss. My cousin is very interested. I gave her a bit of the info, but not all. I know that right now, she's waiting to see if I keep it off for awhile.

This week was fairly easy. I think a couple of times , my meals had a bit of sugar in them. But never much. But never any grains! So I'm pretty pleased with myself.

My exercise plans have not been what I would have liked them to be this week. Hubby and I were going to do a 20 mile bike ride this morning, but last night, he decided to slice part of his finger off instead. I told him next time to just tell me he doesn't want to go on a bike ride with me!

So I'm off to the Y in a bit to do some jogging/running and circuit training.

Here are my replies to last weeks comments:

Becca, Thanks! saddle bags and "back" have always been my larger than life parts! LOL

Monica, come on girlie, let's excercise!

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