Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm Baaack!

LIW 166.8

Today 169.6

Can you say BLOATED????? I am so very bloated!! First of all let me explain my absence! Last Monday, I didn't have internet until very late in the day, and I was preparing for a business trip to El Paso. I never found time to finally post on Monday, and I left Tuesday at the crack of dawn! I didn't want to update my blog from my corporate laptop, so here I am FINALLY touching base with everyone on Friday!

I'm almost 2 weeks into p3, andover all it's going very well. i'm not worried about my weight this morning, because I am very bloated. But I will be eating protein today, and not much else.

I bought a Ladies Home Journal to read on the plane, and there was a whole dieting spread on Valerie Bertinelli. It was fun to read, because this is soooo much easier than Jenny Craig! But what really caught my eye, was a side bar that was titled, "Beware of Aftershock" It detailed two strategies to correct a relapse, and talked about how you needed to be hyperviligent and basically continue to diet for the first 4-6 weeks after reaching your goal weight. Then the 1st strategy it gave was "Make the day a protein day" I about bust out laughing! , Then the second, "less drastic" one was to make a dinner a "veggie only" dinner. So we are much more main stream than we thought!

On to comments from last week:

Jenn, thanks for checking up on me! You are so sweet! It is alot of fun watching people's reactions when they see me.

Monica, Getting back into exercise is fun, but I need it to become routine again! uggh!

Biz, no worries! I will email you later. Hope that you are having fun!

Becca, Thanks! It is fun, and I can't wait to see the whole group...or better yet, I con't wait for the whole group to see me!

1 comment:

BizBuzz said...

OMG! Shelly! How ultra cool is that bit of information about the protein day. OMG - I just KNEW it, I would so much like to read that article, and you tell me what issue it's in?

And welcome back and thanks so much for understanding about the email thing.