Thursday, April 10, 2008

Still Trying!

LIW 166.8
Today 171.8
OVER 5.0

Calories 1524
Fat - 37.9% (66 grams)
Protein - 13.0% (51 grams)
Carbohydrates - 49.2% (192 grams)

Daily Sodium Intake - 1,783 mg
Daily Sugar Intake - 72 grams
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 43 mg
Daily Saturated Fat Intake - 21 grams
Daily Fiber Intake - 23 grams
Nutrition Grade B+

My focus to to fine tune my diet this week, so that next week, I don't have to think about it! Trying to get to 50-60% carbs, 20-30% fats, and 10-20% proteins. Also aiming for 1800-2000 calories Monday, Weds and Friday. Tues, Thursday, and Saturdays 2400-2500 cals, and Sundays, I won't count calories. And I am DRINKING my water! My thought process is that on Tues. Thurs. and Saturdays we will be working out for 1-2 hours HARD!

I am trying to learn about true "whole grains" There is alot of discussion as to what constitutes true whole grains...does whole wheat flour meet the mark, or does it need to say whole wheat only? Also trying to wrap my pea brain around the glycemic load vs the glycemic index.

Let me say this, meal planning on P2 is soooo much easier!

On to my commenters"

Biz, I know that 5 lbs isn't bad, and I know that I am obviously stabilized. But I wish it were within protocol.

Becca, I am NOT a runner! My knees are way too creaky! and I just don't enjoy it! now put me on my bike and I am one happy girl! In fact, trying to learn to run is what got me to HCG. You can go back to the beginning of my blogs to read that story!


BizBuzz said...

Hey girl, cut yourself some slack - with all the exercise, maintaining around 5 lbs is really excellent!

Ed & Jennifer said...

In the "real world" wouldn't we sound stupid stressing over 5 lbs? Doing great Shell!

So on Sunday's since you are not counting cals is it a "free day?" Did you ever read the book "Body for Life" by Bill Philips? I like how he encouraged 1 free day a week.

Oh and from what I understand "whole grain" is NOT whole wheat. There is so much info out there, it DOES get confusing!

Take care Shelly!

Becca said...

I will have to go back and read your blog from the beginning.
I think you're doing great too. You're working out so much you're bound to keep a little water in there to help repair your muscles and the muscle weighs more too!
So you're just fine... But yes, P2 is easier for food choices I agree...

Crystal Lee said...

You aint kidding P2 is easier! LOL I feel like once I am off of P2 my rebel side in me comes out and I go hog wild. Literally. I eat everything and anything I get my hands on. :P Now I am up 13lbs and this is my pentance for the fun filled 6 weeks. :P I am going to get back down this week on Low carb and walking. Wish me luck! :D

Becca said...

They had a triathalon here this weekend and I thought of you. Hope your training is going well. Keep us posted when you get some time...