Friday, January 25, 2008

I need a new decade!

Yesterday 186.0
Today 184.6
Loss of 1.4

I've had to lose everthing TWICE this week! But at least I have an awesome hubby, who tells me everyday that he can see the weight falling off of me. Of course he is also the one who told me before that I while I was fat, I still had curves!

One of the things that we have laughed at is our almost 8 YO daughter is a very sharing soul, and so she is having a hard time with Mommy not taking her food gifts. Now she just says, "oh that's right, you are trying to lose weight" We have hidden all the hcg stuff because I don't need her going to school saying, "My mommy is trying to lose weight, and she is giving herself shots!

Yesterday I could have cheated. No hunger, just a slight sense of deprivation. I have been thinking, and this week, I haven't been taking my multi vitamin and my b-12. I think I am adding them back in. I know that it isn't in Pounds and Inches, but I think thast I will just the same!

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