Sunday, January 27, 2008

Glad this week is done!

Yesterday 184.8
Today 183.8
Total 11.0

Talk about 2 steps forward, one step backward! That has been my loss pattern for this week! I certainly hope that next week isn't like that!

Yesterday my daughter had her very first team dance competition. They were so cute!!!! And I think that she REALLY liked the performing.

After the competition, 3 other mother's and I went to eat with the girls. I had whipped up a dressing just in case something like that happened, and it was yummy! I'll figure out the measurements and post it.

1 comment:

applebottomblues said...

Don't sweat the ups and downs. Do you have reasons for the gains? P & I says that anything over a .2 gain should be investigated, so try to pinpoint what's going on. Don't get discouraged.

Great job on being prepared for eating out. That always scares me.